CrossFit Class Workout 7/19/2016
A. 5 Rounds Row 300m -1:1 work:rest- Build in speed
A. 5 Rounds Row 300m -1:1 work:rest- Build in speed
A. For time 2-4-6-8-10-12 Thruster (135/95) 50 double under after
A. For Time: 500m row 50 GHD sit up 1000m
A. For reps AMRAP 15 10 push ups 20 air
A. Front Squat (4 Sets for 5 Reps) B. For
A. With a partner for time 200 Calorie Row (Partner
A. For time Run 3(3x300m) Rest 1:00 between reps Rest
A. Power Clean + Squat Clean Thruster (12 Minute EMOM @70%
A. For time 5 rounds New round every 4:00 20
A. Back Squat (10, 8, 8 Reps @ 80% of 1