CrossFit Class Workout 9/19/15
A. clean and jerk x 2,2,2,2 B. complete for time
A. clean and jerk x 2,2,2,2 B. complete for time
A. hang snatch x 2 x 5, below knee B. 4
A. press x 5,4,3,3,3 B. 10 rounds for time: -renegade
on the min for 30 min: min 1-5 -back squat
A. power clean + push jerk x 2 + 2
A. snatch + ohs x 2 + 2 x 5
A. hang power clean x 2,2,2,2,2 B. 15 min amrap
5 rounds for time: -run x 400m -kb swing x
A. bench press x heavy single B. 2 rounds for
time needs to be taken to warm up and cool