CrossFit Class Workout 10/21/14
A. clean + fs x 1+2 x 5 B. clean
A. clean + fs x 1+2 x 5 B. clean
A. 2 pos snatch x 1+1 x 5 (knee, floor)
morning classes are on but the CrossFit area will not
due to construction classes after the 8:30am CircuitFit class will
A. push jerk + split jerk x 2+1 x 5
A. 3 sets: -weighted pull ups + kipping pull ups
A. 3 pos snatch x 1+1+1 x 5 (high hang, knee,
A. clean + fs x 2+2 x 5 B. 2 min
A. front squat x 5,5,4,4,3,3 B. complete simultaneously in teams of
A. power snatch + ohs x 2+2 x 5 B.