CrossFit Class Workout 5/20/15
A. 3 sets: -ttb x 5.5.5 -rollies x 10 -double
A. 3 sets: -ttb x 5.5.5 -rollies x 10 -double
A. 2 pos power snatch x 1+1 x 5 (high
A. on the min for 15 min: -press x 3,
A. push jerk + split jerk x 1 + 2
A. hang power snatch + snatch grip push press x
A. clean pull + clean + fs x 1+1+1 x
A. snatch balance + ohs x 2 + 1 x
A. 3 sets: -split jerk x tech work -turkish sit
A. on the min for 15 min: -press x 4,
A. bench press x 7,6,5,4,3 B. clean x 4,3,2,2,1 C.