CrossFit Class Workout 3/21/15
A. 3 pos snatch x 1+1+1 x 5 B. snatch
A. 3 pos snatch x 1+1+1 x 5 B. snatch
see you at 5pm! A. Workout 15.4 8-minute AMRAP: 3 handstand
A. 3 sets: -ttb x 10 -ladder x 3 -run
A. power clean + jerk x 1 + 1 x
A. hang snatch x 3 x 5 B. snatch grip
A. back squat x 4 x 5 B. on alternating
A. 3 sets: -burpee x 1:00 -box jump x 15
i hope to see everyone at 5pm. come to exercise
A. 3 sets: -double under x 10,15,20,25 -thruster x 8
A. 3 sets: -ring pull up x 5-8 -dip x