CrossFit Class Workout 4/19/2017
A. Deadlift 5x2 90% B. 15 min AMRAP 15
A. Deadlift 5x2 90% B. 15 min AMRAP 15
A. Box Squat, BB on Back, Build to a Heavy
A. Power snatch, build to a 1 RM B.
A. Teams of 2 30 min amrap of filthy fifty
A. 4 sets 3 position clean, building B. For
A. Deadlift, 4 x 3, building B. 5 Rounds
A. Max Strict Pull Ups, x 4 B. 5
A. Front Squat, 3-2-2-1-1 B. 3 Rounds For Time
A. Behind The Neck Split Jerk, 4 x 3, building
A. Teams of 3 50 Ground to Overhead (95/65) 40