CrossFit Class Workout 7/20/2017
A1. Bench press, 5 x 8 A2. Dips weighted, 5
A1. Bench press, 5 x 8 A2. Dips weighted, 5
A. Snatch Balance working sets of 5 not heavy, 10
A. For time 84 Burpee buy-in 100yrd swim 7 goblet
A. Deadlift 8 x 4 @ 85% B. 10
A. Back squat 10 x 10 B. 7 min
A. Power snatch + hp snatch, build to a heavy
A1. Run 1600m for time Rest half of that time
A. Front squat, 5x5 @ 75% B. For Time
A. Strict Press, build to a 1RM B. 8min
A. 30 on 30 off bike x10, rest 2 min