CrossFit Class Workout 10/31/2016
A. Metcon (Time) 5 rounds 10 Power Clean (205/135). 10 bar
A. Metcon (Time) 5 rounds 10 Power Clean (205/135). 10 bar
A. Snatch every 2:00 (6 sets of 6) B. Metcon (Time)
A. Metcon (Time) For time 10 power clean and jerk 70%
A. Squat Clean (10 Sets of 3 Reps) Do a set
A. Metcon (Time) 2 rounds 5 Snatch 75% 4 Snatch 80%
A. Overhead Squat (7 sets of 5) Complete a set Every
A. Power Snatch on 2:00 (6 sets of 6) B.
A. Metcon (Distance) Run 8 rounds 300m -1:00 rest- B.
A. Metcon (Time) 3 rounds 9 HSPU 7 Bar Muscle Ups
A. Power Clean + Push Jerk (6 sets of 6. )