CrossFit Class Workout 10/1/15
A. 3 set: -weighted pull ups x 5-8 -ladder x
A. 3 set: -weighted pull ups x 5-8 -ladder x
A. push press + push jerk + split jerk x
A. power snatch + snatch balance + ohs x 1
A. hang clean x 3 x 5 B. front squat
happy birthday to Robert and Chrissy! "Murph" For time: 1
here is to wishing Scott and Zoila a wonderful life
A. back squat w/ pause x 3 x 5 B.
this saturday we will be honoring the birthday of robert
A. split jerk x 3 x 5 (pause at dip
A. fs x 5,4,3,2,2 (no rack) B. reverse lunge x