Kristina’s starting a mobility class every Saturday morning at 10am following the CrossFit Class. Each class, she’ll be picking movements that we perform often, such as the front squat or pull ups. Then, we’ll focus on the areas of the body we need to mobilize in order to improve our positions and strengthen those movements. If you would like any more information, please e-mail Kristina at Your input would be appreciated. Join us for the first class on August 29th. We look forward to seeing you soon!
A. ohs x 3 x 5
B. 4 rounds each for max reps:
-snatch dl x :15
-wall ball x 1:00
-bike x 1:30
-rest x :15
A) 135#
B) 170 total reps
deadlifts @ 185# 5,4,4,4
wallballs 20# @ 10′ 21,20,20,20
bike 72 calories
Systematic CrossFit (Monterey, CA)
A1. In 12 min build to a heavy 3 push press
– 155#
A2. EMOM for 5 min, 3 push press at 85% of A1
B. Tabata each scored for min reps
-double unders
-db push press
-ring dips
-rest :30 between tabata stations.
23+3+3+6 = 35
Holy shoulders!
A) 95
B) 7-5-5-5 DL @115#
25-20-20-20 WB @14#
74 cal bike
well done, peter! looks “fun!”