one of the great things about this blog is that it is a perfect place for all of us to store and record our daily efforts. this will help both the coaches and the athletes in determining the proper load and volume for each of our workouts. to record your results on our blog click on “comments” for that days workout. i will be looking into using #hashtags for each post so we can sort the data based on movements to make finding the information we want easy and fast.
A. clean and jerk x 2 x 5
B. back squat, add 10lbs to your current max
Warmup, 70% x 5, 75% x 5, 80% x amrap
C. for time:
-wall ball shots x 40
-double unders x 10
-wall ball shots x 30
-double unders x 20
-wall ball shots x 20
-double unders x 30
-wall ball shots x 10
-double unders x 40
***all sets are to be completed unbroken
***10 min cap
A: 115#
B: 8 reps @ 197# (based on 235 1RM + 10#)
C: 146 (completed 26 of 30 unbroken DUs)
A: 205#
B. 3 @ 260# (based on max of 315+10
C. 9:52 ub/20#
A: 83#
B: 11 reps @ 140 (based on max of 165+10)
C: Completed 10 wallballs/10# at 9:50
C. 8:20’s ub/14#
A) 83#
B) 146# x10 reps
C) Finished (didn’t check time) @12#wb and single-unders x2
A. 40# (pr) 2 reps
B. 53# 5 reps 57#5reps 61# 8 reps
C. 35 wb w/ 6#. Changed to 4# took 70 to complete 40 unbroken. No dubble under yet.
A) 185#
B) 10 @ 245# (Based on 300 max + 10)
– 40 WB UB X 40
– Several sets of 3 & 5 DU. Finished w/ 10 DU UB
– 17WB, 17WB, 20 WB
A. 57# x 8
B. 5 @ 88# based on 100# max + 10#
C. 10# WB with SU.
A: 155
B: 295 X 5
C: Stuck at 30 DU – completed 17,18,19, and 27 in a row
A: 145#
B: 195# X 5
C: 40, 30, 20 unbroken wall balls 16#, 10 du max unbroken