download crowdpoll on your mobile device to participate in a gym wide poll starting wednesday. follow the brand CFLGSRc under sports.
A. fs x 4,3,3,2,2
3 sets:
B1. bulgarian split squat x 8 per leg
B2. pull ups x amrap (-3)
C. “elizabeth”
-power clean
-ring dip
A) 123-153#x1
B1) 20#
B2) 8,8,8
C) 9:02 @ 95# asst. static dips
A) fs x 125-165# x 3
C) 9:05 @ 85#!feling better this week! Could have done the Rx.. =\ not pushing it tho!
C). 9:59
A) 185-200-210-220-230
B1) 20#
B2) 15, 15, 12
C) 10:20 @ 135#
A) 145-185×1
B1) 20#
B2) 5,5,5
C) ~11 mins @ 95, doing 9, 6, 3 ring dips.