the day has come. i can not wait for everyone to prove their fitness. please make an effort to come at 5pm to workout or show support.
A. 9 min amrap:
-ttb x 15
-dead lift x 10
-snatch x 5 (115/75)
6 min clock:
-establish the heaviest possible clean and jerk
15.1 Scaled version
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 9 minutes of:
15 hanging knee raises
10 deadlifts (85 / 55 lb.)
5 snatches* (85 / 55 lb.)
*ground-to-overhead allowed
Good luck to all!!
15.1 = 153 rx
15.1a = 245# @ 169#bw
15.1- 159 rx
15.1a- 200
To be determined until I beat Matt
Ya wait tbd til I beat jason khalipa and Brian
15.1 = 131 rx
15.2 = 135
🙂 I love this sport