merry christmas, everyone!
Twelve days of Christmas style, for time:
-run 100m x 1
-hand stand push up x 2
-power clean x 3
-push press x 4
-box jump x 5
-pull up x 6
-push ups x 7
-kb swing x 8
-double unders x 9
-switch lunges x 10
-single arm db power snatch x 11
-tgu x 12
-run 100m x 1
-hand stand push up x 2
-power clean x 3 95#
-push press x 4 95#
-box jump x 5 24″
-pull up x 6
-push ups x 7
-kb swing x 8 55#
-double unders x 9
-switch lunges x 10
-single arm db power snatch x 11 30#
-tgu x 12 26#
At CrossFit Frederick (Frederick, MD)
12 Days of Christmas
1 L Pull-up
2 Manmakers (25# db)
3 Box Jumps (24″)
4 ring dips
5 air squats
6 American KB swings (35#)
7 mountain climbers (x4)
8 db squat cleans (25# db)
9 push-ups
10 thrusters (65#)
11 burpees
12 GHD sit-ups
*they are different men in Maryland. 1 manmaker = push-up + row + push-up + row + push-up + squat clean thruster + db overhead walking lunge on each leg. Ugh.
– run 100m X 1
– pistols X 2
– power clean X 3 83#
– pp X 4 83#
– Box Jump X 5 20″
– pull up X 6
– push up X 7
– KB swing X 8 44#
– DU X 9
– split lunge X 10
– DB Snatch X 11 15#
– TGU X 12 15#