A. in 15 min or less build to a heavy set of 8 back squats
B. russian step ups x 10 per leg x 3
C. 2 sets each for max per of:
against a 3 min clock,
-row x 500m
-ring dips (or static dips, or push ups) x amrap
-rest 3 min
A. in 15 min or less build to a heavy set of 8 back squats
B. russian step ups x 10 per leg x 3
C. 2 sets each for max per of:
against a 3 min clock,
-row x 500m
-ring dips (or static dips, or push ups) x amrap
-rest 3 min
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A) 205# for 8, 215# for 5
B) 25-30# DB @ 20″ box
C) 1:38/16, 1:42/15 on the rings
A) 163#
B) 25# DB
C) 1:43/11, 1:54/8 on static dip