A. 3 pos snatch x 1+1+1 x 5 (high hang, knee, floor)
B. snatch dl x 3 x 3
C. 10 min amrap:
-cal assault bike x 6 min
-run x 400m
-pull ups x amrap
***choose the most advanced pull up you can complete for reps. muscle up, chest to bar, kipping, assisted)
A) 95#
B) 185#
C) 92 cals + 20 CTB attempts
A) 63#
B) 143#
C) 73 cals + 17 kipping pull ups
A) 105#
B) 175#
C) 84 cals + 18 CTB pull-ups
a. 85/95
b. 165
c. 108 cal, 25 pu