CrossFit Class Workout 12/8/2018
A. Bench Press, 5 x 3, Build to a Heavy
A. Bench Press, 5 x 3, Build to a Heavy
A. Deadlift, 5 x 3, Build to a Heavy 3
30:30 x 4-5, Rest 4 Minutes After A4 A1. Tank
A. Barbell Clean & Jerk, Build to a Heavy Single
A. 5 Sets, Not For Time -3 Strict Hand Stand
A. EMOM x 12 Minutes 3 Front Squats B. For
A. Deadlift, 5 x 3 Build to a Heavy 3
A. 5 x 1 Hang Squat Clean + Push Jerk
A. Weighted Chin Ups, 5 x 3 Build to a
A. 5 x 1 Power Clean + 3 Push Jerk