CrossFit Class Workout 2/7/2019
A. Strict Shoulder Press, 5, 3, 1, 5, 3, 1
A. Strict Shoulder Press, 5, 3, 1, 5, 3, 1
A. Barbell Back Squat, 5 x 2 B. For Time
A. 4 AMRAP Sets of Ring Muscle Ups, 4 Minutes
A. Barbell Snatch, 7 x 1 B. AMRAP 15 Minutes
A. Clean & Jerk, 7 x 2 B. 3 Rounds
A. Deadlift, Build to a Heavy Single B. 3 Rounds
A. Barbell Bench Press, 5 x 3 B. AMRAP 20
A. Front Squat, 6 x 2 B. 3 Rounds For
A. AMRAP x 3, 4 Minutes Rest In Between Attempts
A. On The Minute, 10 Minutes Building 2 Squat Snatch