today is the day to sign up for the crossfit open. no excuses. sign up. train hard. do your best.
Team CrossFit LGSRC
so far we have 4 people signed up. lets make it 20 by tonight.
A. back squat x 6 x 4
B. 12 min amrap:
-power clean + shoulder to overhead x 5
-box jump x 10
-double under x 20
🍁 A) 185# B) 5 rounds + 5 PC to overhead + 2 box jumps @ 115#
How did you guys NOT have a wod that included 30 Burpees today? Happy Birthday Matt!
A) 245#
B) 6 rds + 5 PC to overhead @ 115#
A) 183# B) 7 rds @ 93#