A. in 15 min or less build to a heavy 10 rep back squat
B. bulgarian split squat x 8 per leg x 3
C. 3 min amrap x 3:
-row x 500 m
-burpee x amrap
-rest 3 min
A. in 15 min or less build to a heavy 10 rep back squat
B. bulgarian split squat x 8 per leg x 3
C. 3 min amrap x 3:
-row x 500 m
-burpee x amrap
-rest 3 min
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Robert Lacis….The Pride of Canada. What an awesome story!
C. 1) 2:00 18
2) 2:00 18
3) 1:55 20
A) 195# for 10, 205# for 5 (mental failure)
B) 20# DB holy crap I am not a fan of Bulgarian split squats
C) 1:40.8/18,1:43.0/16,1:45.2/14 Total 48 burpees
Thank you Fritz.