CrossFit Class Workout 10/20/2017
A. Front Squat, 5,5,4,4,3,3,2,2,1 adding weight B. 3 Rounds For
A. Front Squat, 5,5,4,4,3,3,2,2,1 adding weight B. 3 Rounds For
A. Deadlift, 8 OTM x 8 @~50% B. AMRAP 6
A. 3 position power snatch, ahap (high hang, knees, floor)
A. Strict Press x 5, AHAP B. Alt EMOM, 12
A. Squat Clean + Split Jerk x 1. Build to
A. Power Clean + 2 Fs + 3 s2oh, AHAP
A. Front Squat, 8 mins to establish heavy 4 B.
A. Snatch Balance + Hang Squat Snatch, AHAP B. 10-1
A. Back Squat, 4 x 6, 75% B. For Time
A. Push Jerk x2 (2 sec pause in dip and