CrossFit Class Workout 7/1/2017
A. Clean x 2, build to a heavy double
A. Clean x 2, build to a heavy double
A. Deadlift, establish a 1RM B. Tabata, 20:10 x
A. Backsquat 3 x 7 @80% B. Death by
A. 2k Row for time B. 3 Rounds for Time
A. hang snatch +oh +snatch ahap B. For Time
A. Lunge L +Front squat + lunge R + Fs
A. Push press, establish a 1RM B. 20 min
A. Front x 5, ahap B. Rope climbs x
A. Squat snatch + ohs ahap B. 5 rounds for
A. Bench press, 1rep max B1. Seated row, 3