CrossFit Class Workout 5/1/2017
A. Front Squat, 1 1/4, 3 x 5 @75%
A. Front Squat, 1 1/4, 3 x 5 @75%
A. In Teams of 2 For Time 200m run 100
A. Hang Clean, 5 x 2, Building B. 20
A. Hang Snatch, 5 x 2, Building B. 5
A. Back Squat, 4x5 @75% B. 4 rounds 1min
A. Split Jerk, 3-2-1-1-1 building B. ab roller 4x10
A. Snatch Grip Deadlift, 4 x 5, Building B.
A. Teams of 2 100 wallball 100 burpees 50
A. front squat 6x3 80% B. 16 min EMOM
A. Every 4min 400m run x8 B. 5 Rounds