CrossFit Class Workout 12/31/2016
A. Back Squat, 10 x 10, 65% of 1RM, 1
A. Back Squat, 10 x 10, 65% of 1RM, 1
A. 5 Rounds For Time 400m run 21 KBS 12
A. Row 6 rounds of 500m, rest 1:20 B.
A. For Time 10 Hand Release Push Ups 20 Thrusters
A. Front Squat, build to a 5 rep-max B.
A. Hang Power Snatch, build to a heavy double B.
A. Teams of Two 20 Rounds for Time Partner A
A. The 12 Days of Christmas 1 Snatch (135/95) 2
A.Front Squat, 6 x 3 @ 70% B. 5
A. Jerk, 6 x 3 @ 70%, 75%, 80% x