CrossFit Class Workout 2/1/16
A. back squat x 5,5, amrap 65% (this time around
A. back squat x 5,5, amrap 65% (this time around
A. on the min for 12 min: -clean x 1
A. 3 sets: -muscle snatch x 5 -ring dip x
A. 4 sets: -cal bike x 3 min -crab walk
A. ohs x 10,8,6,4,2 B1. 10-1 -pull up -double under
A. 4 sets: -bench press x 6 -ttb x :30
A. 3 sets: -body row x 8-10 -pistol squat x
A. on the min for 10 min: -clean x 2
A. press + push press + push jerk x 1+2+3
A. 4 sets: -hollow press x 10 -weighted pull up