CrossFit Class Workout 6/1/15
A. every :90 for 12 sets: -clean and jerk B.
A. every :90 for 12 sets: -clean and jerk B.
A. build to a heavy thruster x 3 in 20
A. 3 sets: -muscle snatch x 5 -hip extension x
A. 3 sets: -run x 400 -strict leg raise x
A. on the min for 15 min: -snatch x 1
A. on the min for 15 min: -split jerk x
classes today: 6:30am 8:30am 10:30am 12pm A. power snatch +
A. clean x 5,4,3,3,2,1 B. complete in teams of two
A. on the min for 10 min: -split jerk x
4 sets: A1. ohs x 5,4,3,2 A2. pull up x