CrossFit Class Workout 5/1/15
A. 3 sets: -strict pull up x 5-8 -single leg
A. 3 sets: -strict pull up x 5-8 -single leg
A. 4 sets: -bench press x 5 -ring dip x
A. power clean + push jerk x 2 + 1
A. high hang snatch x 3 x 5 B. snatch
A. fs x 3,3,2,2,1 B. push press x 3,3,2,2,1 C.
I have completed setting up the CrowdPoll. It will start
I have completed setting up the CrowdPoll. It will start
download CrowPoll A. snatch, build to a heavy single B. in
A. clean and jerk, build to a heavy single B.
A. snatch balance + ohs x 2+2 x 5 B.