CrossFit Class Workout 11/1/14
today sean and i will be lifting at the cal
today sean and i will be lifting at the cal
A. bench press x 5,5,4,4,3, B. 4 sets, :30 on/:30
A. fs x 3 x 5 B. for time: -pull
A. press x 5 x 5 B. 21-15-9 -push press -hang
A. snatch x heavy double B. 7 min amrap: -dl
happy birthday, ZOILA! A. clean and jerk x heavy double B.
A. in 12 min or less build to a heavy
A. hang power snatch x 2 x 5 B. snatch
i would like to invite everyone to join me for
i would like to invite everyone to join me for