CrossFit Class Workout 9/1/14
class times for today 7am,8am,9am, and 12pm A. back squat x
class times for today 7am,8am,9am, and 12pm A. back squat x
A. hang power clean + push jerk x 3 +
A. 3 sets: -ttb x amrap (-3) -single arm bent
A. snatch high pull x 5 x 3 B. snatch
A. back squat x 6 x 3 75% B1. for
A. fs x 2 x 5 B. for time: -cal
A. snatch high pull x 5 x 3 B. power
A. 3 sets: -double unders x practice -push press x
A. 3 sets: -barbell reverse lunges x 8 per side
A. snatch x 3 x 5 B. snatch dl x