CrossFit Class Workout 4/7/2018
A. 1 power clean + 2 Fs + 3 s2oh,
A. 1 power clean + 2 Fs + 3 s2oh,
A. Front squat 8 mins to establish heavy 4 B.
A. Snatch balance + hang squat snatch AHAP B. 10-1
A. Back squat 4 x 6 @ 75% B. For
A. Push jerk x2 (2 sec pause in dip and
A. Overhead squat x 8, AHAP B. Alternating EMIOM x
A. Back Squat 6x6 @75% B. 3 Rounds For Time
A. Clean and jerk x 3 tng, AHAP B. For
A. 3 position squat snatch B. 12 min AMRAP 100m
A. Strict press 4x2 @90% B. Jackie 1k row 50